Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Red Notebook: September 10, 2002

September 10, 2002

Things to address today.

Theatre Quiz: I don’t think I did too bad. If I added correctly. I got two wrong. I can’t believe I got the one wrong, “How many children did Laios have?” NONE...Duh, you FUCKING DOLT! Oedipus? Hello. Shit, you are such a fucking moron. Oh well. That’s in the past. Face the demon. Let it go.

I didn’t get to audition tonite. Nope. My school schedule conflicts with the rehearsal schedule, so that brings about the end of my career and occupation as an actor at UW Fox. But, I keep telling myself that Mr. Alan Rickman didn’t get the part to that one flick...what was it? Liaisons Dangerous or some shit. Had he gotten the part and not John Malkovich, he NEVER would have gotten the part in DIE HARD, something I would have considered a great injustice.
Oh Mr. Rickman sir...how do you do it? I mean, I could have handled being told I sucked and there was no way in Hell I would get a part, but I didn’t even get to read. Actually, I feel a great weight’s been lifted off my shoulders...so why do I feel so depressed? I hope it’s PMS. I don’t want this to bum me out. I won’t let it. I’m too good for this shit anyway, and I believe it.
J. Didn’t I tell you she was funny?


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